ocean of sound …. 3

…. and back with a few more selections from that excellent Unexplained Sounds Group year end archive ‘ocean of sound’. Just to recap a humongous two volume gathering of out there sounds operating on the distant margins of pop’s ever expanding cosmos, this collection extending to some 200 plus tracks drawn from the labels formidable release archive of 2017. As you can gather, a little hefty to feature all in one sitting, so  we here have opted to drift in and out, delving as we as we go along, plucking out keynote tracks via these occasional visits. And so with that it’s a return to Volume 1 where you’ll find ‘hirajoshi’ by that faint light. This really is something else, the spectral pirouetting, the poetic poise and the frosting neo classical sighs adore it with a bewitching and airy night time intimacy, where just you, the silence and the haunt of your conscience sit in deep contemplation. Assuming a more darker persona, parting salvo ‘Comadreamers II’ by Haunted Me is etched in all manner of senses unravelling disquiet, a chilling aural account whose stilled and prowling unease, fixes you squarely in its deadening drone dread glare. https://unexplainedsoundsgroup.bandcamp.com/album/ocean-of-sound-the-3rd-annual-report-volume-i

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